Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Worth Fighting For!

I am somewhat at a lost for words… I hear on TV, read on the Internet and in articles, recent news dominated by such things as the economy, gay marriage or North Korea. All of these are important. But not nearly as important as what happened 2000 years ago when Jesus Christ went to the cross to die for all who would believe in Him, for all who would say Lord Jesus I need you, for all who say I have sinned and only Jesus make it right!
Yes, we spend so much time on things that we feel are important. Yes, the world is a tough place. Yes, people are losing hope. Yes, we are missing the point...who we need the most!
But is that not why we must keep our eyes on Jesus? Is it not Jesus alone who can bring hope to people when they have lost it? Is it not Jesus Christ that can take a life and make it new? Is it not Jesus Christ alone that is greater than all the wrong in the world? Yes!
During this Easter season, we who call Him Lord, should turn all our attention and affection to Him and let the world know that there is one who can handle all the mess we have created. If there is one cause worth fighting for it is the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
The world is not in need of more government, more tolerance or more rights. Nor does it need more debate or more laws. What the world needs are more followers of Jesus who love God and love people.
Who will stand for the things that God stands for and love others as God has loved us? We need much less debate and much more Jesus Christ, for He alone is Worth Fighting For.

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