Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Carrying in my Heart

“I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all, making my prayers with joy.” (Philippians 1:3-4)

Paul’s letter to the Philippians gives a great example of the attitude Christians ought to have towards those they minister too. As I thought about this, I ask that God would give me the ability to care for people like Paul did. Often times I forget to ask that my heart would fall in love with those that God has brought close to me. As the new year began, what could be a greater prayer than to - love those that God has placed into your life, to carry them in your heart and to pray for them with sincerity and passion as if you are praying for the things you hold most dear.

For me to have the ability to love and pray like this, it must come from God. I am more aware than ever, that I need God to do a major work in my life, and I want him to do it now. I want to love Him so that I can love others, love the things that He loves. I want to accomplish what God has for me and I want to carry in my heart all those that He has placed in my life. I want to serve with the heart, and mind of Christ. So today I pray that the God of the universe would draw me to Himself and cause me to love Him so He can than love through me. And than I will be able to carry people in my heart.

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