So many times we think of sin as be natural and normal. We quickly forget that God created the first man and women without sin, and we liveas if sin will always be a part of who we are. That forever we will live with this sickness, and that there is no cure. Below is a quote helps us see sin for what it is.
“The great truth of Christianity, the great truth of Christ, is that sin in unnatural and it has no business in a human life. The birth of Christ proclaimed that in one tone: His cross proclaimed it in another! And that which is unnatural is not by necessity permanent. The struggle of all nature is against the unnatural, to dislodge it and cast it out. That struggle pervades the world. It’s is going on in every clod of earth, in every tree, in every star, and in every soul of man. Intensely sensitive to feel the presence of evil as never felt before, the Christian instantly and intensely knows that evil is a stranger and an intruder in his life. The wonder in not that it should someday be cast out: the wonder is that it should ever have come in”.(Phillips Brooks)
We are well to remember that the intruder has been dealt with and defeated by Jesus Christ. But for us we must deal with it by accepting Christ gift of freedom. But that is only the start; we must then daily choose to live free from the effects of sin, to choose the things of God and not the things of sin. Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. My prayer for you is that today you will choose to live in freedom.
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