Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Journey Of Desire

In his book The Journey of Desire, John Eldredge writes, "We all share the same dilemma- we long for life and we're not sure where to find it. We wonder if we ever do find it, can we make it last?... Our days come to us as riddle, and the answers aren't handed out with our birth certificates. We must journey to find the life we prize. And the guide we have been given is the desire set deep within, the desire we often overlook or mistake for something else or even choose to ignore." Yes the desire for meaning and purpose. We want so bad to know why we are here, why we were created. We desire to find the source of it all. Who or what can help us to know?, that is what we find ourselves constantly asking. But often times questions of the heart require a true search of the soul. They often require a faith that often seems to conflict with what we know. They often require us to trust in the one who created us all. For only the one who created us can fully know us and our purpose. So if your Journey has seemed to have led you to a question of faith and about God. It might be a good time to ask Him if He has the answers you have been looking for. After all He might be the one thing you have desired.

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