Saturday, April 16, 2011


How many time do you ever think of the word Glory? In our culture it’s not a word you here often. When I read the Bible especially the Old Testament the word Glory is everywhere. So the other day I was listing to a message while driving in the car. Matt Chandler was teaching on the purpose of their church. He stated that their church was there to bring God glory. He then went on to define the word Glory as it is used in the Bible. He stated that the word Glory means weight. Let me try to explain, the weightiness of the Glory of God is greater than anything else. God is the most Glorious
Of anything that is, that means He alone is the most important thing. There is nothing or no one more Glorious, any more worthy than He. The weight of that truth should bring us all to a place of worship and adoration. So today will you humble yourself before the Glory of God?

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