As I sit here at KALADI BROTHERS COFFEE, in Anchorage Alaska looking at the mountains and reading the bible, I’m overwhelmed by the presence of my Savior. I know in my heart how sinful I am, yet I also know how much I want to be more like Jesus. These are the times that I wish would never end, times when I just sit with My Savior and I crave more of Him. I want to be done with this life of sin, of pain, of sorrow, and lost. I want the God of the universe to come and bring peace, and hope, and contentment. I want my friends to all know the saving power of my Savior, and to fall at His feet and worship Him. I want all I know to put their FAITH IN GOD so that they can enjoy Him forever. Today my prayer is that my God and my Savior would move in the hearts of many; bringing them to faith in Him. I pray for those I know and love, that they would bow to the God of the universe and fellowship with Him, coming to understand His love for them and His desire make them whole. My savior and my God I have faith in you and you alone, would you move today and change the lives of many who do not know you by bring them to faith in you. Would you also work in the hearts of those who have placed their faith in you, but today feel far from you? Touch their hearts. Also move in my family and my friends, causing them to have faith in you God.
You’re Bondservant